Hello World! 
Most of us, if not all, have someone close, if not ourselves, who works at a software biggie. It is a known fact that these MNCs hire the major chunk of the engineering graduates who pass out of colleges every year. And kudos to them as these guys rack their brains to come up with some brilliant technological solutions to make this world a better place to live.
From doing good in colleges to giving their best shot in the interviews, software employees go through a lot. On a lighter note though, here are 5 of the many things that every software employee would relate to.
#5 The Initial Training Tussle
The initial few months of the employees, at most of the companies, flow away with the training phase. This phase can be really tricky as many, as expectedly, have no clue of what’s going around. Be it during the coding sessions or the theory classes, the concepts can easily fly over one’s head, reminding us of our childhood nightmares with Mathematics. And this is not all; wait for the assessment tests that slyly hide themselves to embarrass our poor souls when the time arrives.
#4 Friday is Funday

How dearly do we wait for Fridays? Fridays not only liberate our souls by reminding us that an irritating week is about to end but also give us the chance to introduces the “fashionista-side” of us. Yes, as most you might probably know, Fridays, at some companies, are greeted by wearing colourful BUSINESS casuals. Finally, some oomph factor at a place filled with compilation and syntax errors!! -_-
#3 Project- In or Out?

Got into a project? Great! Happy coding!!
Didn’t get into a project? Doesn’t matter, YOLO!!
#2 Where errors are the soulmates
Feel lonely anytime? Don’t feel bad. Remember that there’s one thing that’s constantly awaiting us at the office. This thing assures to persist with us no matter what may! Ok. You might have probably guessed this “thing” by now. Correct. It’s the eternal ERROR-a companion that we just can’t get rid of.
#1 The Corporate Lifestyle
(Don’t get deceived by the image) A software job can get as professional and corporate as one can get. Be it the formal dresses, or the (mandatory) ID cards, or the long-lasting phone calls with the clients, or even the tricks played to woo the leads, these jobs are bound to give a unique experience to anyone.
PS- Written by a former software employee.
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