In a rather bizarre sequence of events, it has been reported that a Telugu character is causing multiple iPhones to crash across the globe. While the reviewers have been thrashing iOS 11 for being one of the buggiest updates from Apple, the latest bug, which consists of a Telugu character, can crash devices such as iPhones, Macs, and Apple Watch. The bug will specifically block access to iMessage and apps such as Whatsapp, Facebook Messenger, and Gmail. According to The Verge, the issue was first reported by an Italian blog Mobile World.
Apple confirmed that a Telugu character, when sent to the device or typed in the text editor, is causing the devices to crash and messaging apps will not be able to function as they aren’t able to load the character. It has been learned that the tech giant is working on a fix for iOS 11, macOS High Sierra, watchOS 4, tvOS 11 versions that have been affected by this problem. The company confirmed that an upcoming update will fix the bug.
Here’s a tweet that shows how the Telugu character crashes the apps.
Some apps such as Skype and Telegram have been reported to be unaffected by the latest bug. Also, it appears that iOS 11.3 beta hasn’t been impacted by the Telugu character.
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