With Bigg Boss 3 Telugu closing down to Season Finale, the contestants are getting down to a handful. While actor Punarnavi Bhupalam was evicted from the reality show, three contestants were nominated for elimination on Monday. As a part of the nomination process, the contestants in Bigg Boss 3 Telugu were given a task called Safe Parking. At the sound of the buzzer, housemates were required to park their trolleys in the parking lot. Though Varun, Vithika, Mahesh, and Rahul failed in the task, Vithika had used her medallion which made her immune to elimination for this week. Actors Varun Sandesh, Mahesh Vitta and singer Rahul Sipligunj face the threat of elimination in the Bigg Boss 3 Telugu 12th week nomination. The remaining five celebrities, Shiva Jyoti, Baba Bhaskar, Ali Reza, Sreemukhi, Vithika Sheru are safe for now and will survive for another week in the house.
The voting lines for the contestants were opened on Monday night. Viewers can save their favourite Bigg Boss 3 Telugu contestants, from elimination, by voting through a missed call to the given phone numbers or by casting their votes online.
Bigg Boss 3 Telugu 12th week Nomination: Voting numbers
Varun Sandesh
: 8466 996 714In order to vote online for their favourite contestant, viewers need to log into the Hotstar app and cast their daily quota of 10 votes. The reality show host, Akkineni Nagarjuna, will announce the elimination results on the coming Sunday. The celebrity to receive the least number of votes, by the weekend, will be evicted from the house.
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