Observing the decline in the number of Covid-19 cases, Union Home Secretary Ajay Kumar Bhalla IAS on Friday issued an order to all states and union territories, including AP, advising them for extension of containment measures beyond the lockdown period, till 30 June 2021. It is observed that the implementation of containment and other measures has resulted in a declining trend but the number of active Coronavirus cases, at present, is still very high. However, the decision to extend the partial lockdown in the Visakhapatnam district is yet to be announced by the officials.
The Union Home Secretary said that despite a decline in the cases, it is important that containment measures may continue for the Covid-19 norms to be implemented strictly. Any relaxation may be considered at an appropriate time, in a graded manner, by States/UTs after assessing the local situation, requirements and resources. The Union Home Secretary urged to continue compliance to the containment measures, as has been advised by MoHFW, so as to fully overcome the pandemic.
About the extension of the lockdown in AP, it is being said that the necessary directions may be issued to district authorities for taking all necessary measures. “I would also advise that orders/guidelines issued by the respective State governments and district authorities, for implementing containment measures, should be widely disseminated to the public and to the field functionaries, for their effective implementation,” Ajay Bhalla added.
It may be recalled that Vizag is under lockdown till May 31. In the lockdown period, the number of cases has reduced in the last few days. The number of recoveries in the district has also increased. On Friday, 1,145 positive cases were reported, reaching a total of 1,34,563. The number of positives has declined when compared to previous week’s which reported more than 2,000.
Also, the recent report says that India has reported the lowest Covid-19 cases in 44 days. The recovery rate has increased to 90.34 percent.
This post was last modified on 01/06/2021 5:30 pm
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