Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu took to his Facebook page to announce successful crowd management during the Krishna Pushkaram. He gave all the credit to integrated Command and Control Centre (CCC) which was launched by him a few days before the Pushkaram.
The CCC enabled real-time monitoring through Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) of water and power supply, beach surveillance, traffic management, street-lights monitoring, pollution levels and temperature. The services through CCC also include a revenue system, citizen charter, environmental data forecasting, bin monitoring, solid- waste management, vehicle trafficking and energy management system. The Command and Control Centre also served as a disaster management centre housing departments like Revenue, Tourism, Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Board, Tourism and Police to respond together during an emergency.
The CM said that the Andhra Pradesh Government successfully conducted the Krishna Pushkaram only due to CCC. The government was able to keep track of all the proceedings in real time due to the surveillance systems. Crowd management, food supply and ensuring the safety of the pilgrims was possible due to this.
“Through CM CORE Dashboard I have been able to monitor every welfare programme. The CORE Dashboard is enabling me to monitor category-wise key performance indicators of various departments/schemes in real time. Users can check key performance indicators of various departments, schemes, initiatives, programmes, etc. With this, we have been able to save crores of money under Public Distribution System, save energy and plug loopholes by eliminating middlemen in implementing welfare programmes, ” posted the CM.
This post was last modified on 30/08/2016 10:37 am
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