Let’s ring in the celebrations people. Here are super fun and super duper easy Christmas Party Games to amp the festivities in Visakhapatnam.
To start off let us just say that we all need a small enough reason to have fun and why not? Christmas Party Games are a good idea to have a different touch to a group party. Easy to organize and fun to execute, these party games will make sure a non-boring party. Throw in good food and good drink, alcoholic or not for a great time. Here’s the list and chose your favourite Christmas Party Games.
#1 Tree ornament on a spoon
Rather than the usual, balance an egg on a spoon, this Christmas special game has you balance an ornament and walk the walk. Are you game? Kids and adults both can join in.
#2 Penguin Waddle-de-do
Not just Santa but us in Visakhapatnam can waddle too. This is a Christmas Party Game akin to a relay race where you put balloons between your legs and waddle like a penguin. Make teams and race each other.
#3 Guess what’s in the stocking
Stuff a stocking with ornaments and knick knacks and make it unpredictable. The one who has maximum correct guesses wins.
#4 Christmas drawing game
Blindfolded players will draw a picture, of course without looking. The person who manages the best picture, wins.
#5 Guess who you are
Put a Christmas charcter’s name on a post-it and put it on people’s forehead. Now, they have to guess who they are. One has to go around asking people for clues. One who guesses first wins.
These are the innocen-test games one can play and without causing confusion and chaos. Okay may be a little. So what’s a party without a little uproar. Go ahead and enjoy.
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