The global sporting event, F1H20 World Championship, is set to make a grand comeback to India after 14 years. Much to the delight of the sporting enthusiasts, the Krishna river near Amaravati in Andhra Pradesh will soon be playing host to the F1 Powerboat racing. While the first edition of the tournament was held in Mumbai in 20014, the Andhra Pradesh Tourism Authority will be organising the latest edition in Amaravati on 17,18 November.
As many as 19 participants from across the world are expected to take part in the prestigious event. Team Amaravati, led by Sweden’s Jonas Andersson, will also be one of the teams competing for glory. As per a Facebook post
, Andersson said that they had been working very hard in the last few months to improve their performances to secure the best results in the coming F1H20 Grandprix International Powerboat Race Event.With the F1 Powerboat racing tournament around the corner, the 23 km stretch along the Krishna river is gearing up to turn into a carnival site. The event will also be engaging the guests and spectators with the arts, culture and cuisines of Andhra Pradesh.
F1H2O’s director of logistics, Marco Pietrini, while speaking to the media, said that while the event was relatively new to India, the country had a great potential for water sports. He further added that Amaravati was a “perfect” location for conducting the F1 Powerboat racing event.
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