Andhra Pradesh’s Information Technology Minister, Nara Lokesh, has inaugurated 13 IT companies in Vizag which would provide 4000 jobs. He also announced that a new IT Park would be established at Kapuluppada near Bheemili.
Lokesh mentioned that the park would be developed with roads, drainages, drinking water and equipped with 24/7 power supply. 100 acres would be developed in the first phase and the works would be starting by September end. The park would be providing 5 lakh employment opportunities, the Minister added.
The minister stated that in addition to developing the technology sector in Visakhapatnam, the government was also looking to bolster the IT scene in the cities of Tirupati, Amaravati, and Anantapur among others. He also informed that he was personally supervising the works at Kapuluppada.
The IT Minister also mentioned that Vizag has become a place well known for the Information Technology sector in the state and the government is working on providing 1 lakh jobs by March 2019 and 5 Lakh jobs by 2024.
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