Ram Charan, one of the busiest stars in Tollywood at the moment, has locked his next project with Buchi Babu Sana, the director of the blockbuster movie, Uppena. This pan-India flick will jointly be produced by debutant Venkata Satish Kilaru’s Vriddhi Cinemas and ace director Sukumar. Mythri Movie Makers will be presenting the Ram Charan starrer.
In their announcement on Instagram, Mythri Movie Makers said, “Sometimes, Revolt becomes a necessity. Mega Power Star @AlwaysRamCharan & Sensational director @buchibabusana_official team up for a powerful subject and a Pan India entertainer. #RamCharanRevolts. Produced by @vriddhicinemas & @SukumarWritings. Presented by @MythriOfficial.”
This project marks the second collaboration between Buchi Babu and MMM, who previously worked together for the blockbuster love drama Uppena. It is already known that Ram Charan is currently occupied with shooting for his 15th film, which is being directed by Shankar. Earlier, rumours were rife that the Mega Power Star would work with Jersey fame Gowtham Tinnanuri upon wrapping up RC15. Nevertheless, with this announcement, it can be understood that the Gowtham-RC combo has been pushed to a later time or even shelved.
Recently, Tollywood circles also vigorously reported a possible collaboration between NTR and Buchi Babu Sana for a sports drama. On the contrary, none of the parties involved in those rumours confirmed them openly.
Further details regarding the Ram Charan-Buchi Babu Sana movie are expected to be revealed soon.
Stay tuned to Yo! Vizag website and Instagram for more entertaining updates.
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