The Andhra Pradesh government has announced an ex gratia of Rs. 25 lakh each to the victims who died in a stampede in Tirupati on 8 January night. This was announced by Minister Anagani Satyaprasad, who along with other Ministers Vangalapudi Anitha, Parthasarathi, and Anam Ramnarayana Reddy, visited the hospital where the injured in the incident are undergoing treatment, on 9 January.
The Ministers enquired the injured about the incident and promised all help from the government.
SVIMS hospital Superintendent Ravi Kumar said that the injured persons were being treated. Of the injured, three persons should be kept in observation for three days, he said. The authorities concerned submitted a preliminary report on the incident to Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu.
Meanwhile, YSRCP leaders Roja, Y V Subba Reddy and others blamed the alliance government in the State for the incident. Roja, while coming down heavily on the government, urged Chandrababu Naidu to resign taking responsibility for the death of devotees in the stampede. “It’s a clear case of negligence,” she observed.
Former TTD Chairman Y V Subbareddy demanded a comprehensive probe into the Tirupati stampede, which killed six victims, and said that those responsible should not be spared.
Read also- Three women from Vizag among six die in stampede in Tirupati
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This article is written by Senior Journalist Lakkoju Nagesh Babu
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