BRS National Executive President and Telangana Minister KTR, on Tuesday, alleged that the central government decided to privatise the Visakhapatnam Steel Plant to favour the Adani Group. Addressing the media, KTR remarked that there was a big conspiracy behind the VSP privatisation move.
Taking a dig at the central government, he alleged that its policies were benefiting only the corporate companies. The Telangana State Government decided to participate in the bidding called by the VSP for Expression of Interest proposals to buy the plant product in return for capital investment. “We sent a team to the plant and based on their report, the Telangana Government will take part in the bidding,” expressed KTR.
Denying that the BRS was trying to get political mileage out of the steel plant issue, KTR said the party aimed to stall the privatisation of the Visakhapatnam Steel Plant. “We are also not interested in the stand taken by the AP Government about the VSP privatisation,” he made it clear. Meanwhile, it is learnt that the Telangana Government plans to take over the Visakhapatnam Steel Plant.
On the directive by their CMD, three Singareni directors from Telangana visited the VSP on Tuesday to study the possibility of taking over the plant under a joint venture. Meanwhile, BRS leaders in Visakhapatnam hailed the Telangana Government’s move to take part in the bidding. They said the BRS was committed to stalling the privatisation of the Visakhapatnam Steel Plant and sought the cooperation of all in their fight against the Centre’s anti-worker policies.
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