S Shankar’s Telugu directional debut film, Game Changer , starring the global star, Ram Charan, and Kiara Advani is finally out. The movie is getting both positive and negative responses from fanbases. While some people are calling it “fun, masala and entertainment,” others are criticising it for lacking “logic.” However, the movie had everyone hitting theatres in Andhra and Telangana. If political dramas packed with social messages and a bit of action are your genre, here are sp,e movies on OTT that you should add to your watchlist after Game Changer!
Driven by personal vendetta, a prison warden teams up with his intellectual inmates to commit outrageous crimes while shedding light on corruption and injustice.
Streaming on: Netflix
When a reporter dares to question corruption and crime in the state, he is offered to become a one-day Chief Minister. As he puts on his Chief Minister suit, his life and family are thrown into a world of danger.
Streaming on: Amazon Prime, Youtube
When the Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister is wounded by a bomb attack, he wishes for his son to become the next Chief Minister of the state. To fulfil his father’s wish Arjun Prasad gets into politics and learns about the malpractices of his own party leaders.
Streaming on: Zee5
Starting his political career for the love of his wife, Jogendra, a money lender turned politician, soon succumbs to the world of corruption and gets tangled in dangerous web of politics.
Streaming on: Amazon Prime
In a world where people are discriminated against based on caste, Maammanna and his son Athiveeran, from the Dalit community, stand against the upper caste forces in the election – leading to a bloodthirsty battle.
Streaming on: Netflix
Marking the Tamil debut of Vijay Devarakonda, NOTA follows the story of Varun Subramanyam, a video game designer living in the UK, whose life takes a drastic turn when his long-time Chief Minister father gets arrested for being corrupt.
Streaming on: Amazon Prime
When a local politician’s prized possession – a jackfruit – goes missing, a young police officer is forced to look into the case and prove her capabilities.
Streaming on: Netflix
As these movies on OTT explore the complexities, power dynamics, caste and political struggle, they would perfectly cater to your Game Changer mood. While you enjoy these films, comment below and let us know what was your verdict on Game Changer!
Also read- Ditch the new releases this week & stream these 7 underrated movies on OTT instead
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