Maha Samudram, a Telugu movie shot prominently in Vizag, released on Thursday in the state’s theatres. Prior to its release, this Ajay Bhupathi-directorial had been on everyone’s minds. With the strong cast of Sharwanand and Siddharth in the lead and an action-packed trailer, many expected this movie to be a blockbuster. The early reviews of Maha Samudram are in on Twitter. How has this movie fared among the audiences? Let us see.
In most of the early reviews, the story’s message and Sharwanand’s acting have been complimented. The movie’s cinematography, extensively capturing popular spots in Visakhapatnam, has been praised by the audiences. But some viewers have criticised the casting of Siddharth and Aditi Rao Hydari, along with the movie’s narration.
While the first half of Maha Samudram is being well-received by the fans, the second half seems to be a bit of a let-down. Here are some of the early reviews of Maha Samudram on Twitter:
These are only early reviews of Maha Samudram and it is yet to be seen how the movie fares among the masses of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. One of the many Dussehra releases this year, Maha Samudram is expected to face competition from Akhil Akkineni’s Most Eligible Bachelor in the coming days.
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