According to the Central Intelligence Agencies, Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s life is under threat. This Information was passed on to the Special Protection Group and Anti-Terror units. There is a speculation of an attack on Independence Day at the Red Fort. He has been advised to wear a bullet proof jacket during his speech on 15th August unlike the 2 previous years where he had decided not to wear one.
This kind of security is to be maintained around him due to the Kashmir incidents and also the ISIS terror attacks that recently occurred around the globe. The agencies also found that there might be an attack to the army and police this year.
After the assassination of former PM Indira Gandhi, it became a custom for the PM to wear a bullet proof vest during speeches but PM Modi didn’t follow it.
This year the security will be very high and the officials will be scattered around Red Fort.
This post was last modified on 29/07/2016 6:12 pm
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