Jana Sena chief Pawan Kalyan is set to begin his Visakhapatnam tour today on Varahi, his customised vehicle for the election campaign. Commencing today, he is said to hold two public meetings and a Janavani programme in the city up to 19 August 2023. Yesterday, through social media handles, the party appealed to the legions and fans to avoid dedicating huge garlands on cranes to Pawan as it affects the traffic and raises safety concerns.
The actor-turned-politician will address a gathering at the Jagadamba junction this evening at 5 pm. Fast-paced arrangements have been made for the same, with Jana Sena flags and banners lining up the medians and side walls. Flood lights are put in place for the meeting, and traffic police
have been monitoring the vehicular flow since morning. Commuters are advised to avoid the routes connecting to Jagadamba between 4 pm and 6 pm.As a part of the third phase of Varahi Yatra, Jana Sena chief Pawan Kalyan, after completing his Visakhapatnam tour, will visit various areas in the North Andhra region. It may be recalled that his last visit to the beach city triggered a political stir. The situation heated up with the city police officials restricting the JSP supremo to his accommodation, forcing him to cancel a meeting with the party followers.
Stay tuned to Yo! Vizag website and Instagram for more city news updates.
This post was last modified on 10/08/2023 11:46 am
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