Thalaivar Rajnikanth scored a resounding blockbuster with the latest action thriller, Jailer, directed by Nelson Dilipkumar. Starring Ramya Krishnan, Mohan Lal, Shivaraj Kumar, and Jackie Shroff in the supporting roles, the Tamil flick received a thunderous response across the country and collected over 500 crores (gross) worldwide. Sun Pictures, owned by Kalanithi Maran, bankrolled the film. Anirudh’s energetic BGM and songs were the major highlights, which hyped the film to another level. After a blockbuster run at the box office, Jailer is prepared for its OTT release, and the team announced the date this morning.
Read to know more about the OTT
release date and streaming platform of Jailer.Released theatrically on 10 August 2023, Jailer opened to majorly positive reviews. Apart from Rajni’s screen presence, the scenes featuring Kollywood superstar Shivaraj Kumar and Mollywood legend Mohan Lal struck the sweet spot. Vinayakan’s convincing performance as an eccentrically violent antagonist received major appreciation and went well with the viewers.
Overwhelmed by the rampant success, producer Kalanithi Maran gifted Rajnikanth a BMW X7 that costs around 1.4 crores and director Nelson a Porshe. Now, Jailer has finalised its OTT release on the Amazon Prime Video OTT platform. The Rajnikanth starrer will digitally premiere on 7 September 2023.
Stay tuned to Yo! Vizag website and Instagram for more OTT updates.
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