Reserve Bank of India, RBI will very soon release into the India market, the brand new chocolate brown Rs.10 notes.
The currency notes have a brand new feel to them and we mean not only literally but also figuratively. Candy hued and colourful, the bang in the buck is back in India quite literally. New notes of the denomination of Rs 10 will soon be rolled out in India by RBI and just like their predecessors they are quite colorful. They are to have a base colour of chocolate brown is what the reports say and we can’t lie about being fascinated already. A good addition to the pink Rs.2000 note, the Yellowish-orange Rs.200 note and the blue Rs.50 note. An addition to the visual delight is the image of the Konark Sun Temple. The Rs 200 note has an image of the Sanchi Stupa and the Rs 50 note has the image of the chariot stand in Hampi.
This design was approved by the government last week. The last design of the Rs.10 note had happened in 2005 so a refresh on the much used currency of smaller denomination will excite all in India. As per reports the RBI has already put 1 billion pieces of this new note into print.
India will also see the salient changes that other revised currency notes have which is the denominational number in Devnagiri, colour changing window security threads and colour changing denominational numeral, with a rupee symbol on the bottom right.
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