Bringing to you, the movie review of Sammohanam.
Movie: Sammohanam
Cast: Sudheer Babu, Aditi Rao Hydari, Naresh, Tanikella Bharani, Rahul Ramakrishna
Director: Mohan Krishna Indraganti
Producer: Sivalenka Krishna Prasad
Music director: Vivek Sagar
Release Date: June 15, 2018

Based along the lines of Notting Hill, Sammohanam is the story of a cartoonist who falls in love with a film star. As a person who initially detests film stars and films in general, this one’s a sweet love story. Vijay (Sudheer Babu) is a cartoonist working on a children’s book. He meets the glamorous actress Sameera (Aditi Rao Hydari) when Vijay’s house is used as a film-shoot location. One thing leads to another and Vijay finds himself tutoring Sameera on her Telugu dialogues. He discovers her to be a girl like any other and falls head over heels in love with her. But love affairs between the average guy and the glamorous star have its twists, which drive this story forward too.

Indraganti Mohana Krishna, who brought in humour through ‘Ami tumi’ works wonders here again, as he brings out a story that’s peppered with the right emotions and the right dialogues at all the right times. In fact, in many places, Sammohanam showcases today’s reality through subtle nuances in action and script. Jesting about filmi stereotypes that range from the Telugu industry’s fascination for Hindi heroines and gory fights, the movie is a delight to watch. Subtly placed social messages highlighting that a girl has the right to her point of view and that even a heroine is just a girl, are well presented. The role of the movie-buff father is played laudably by actor Naresh, who makes the movie shine with his comic timing. The mother and a bubbly sister make for the ideal family in an ideal home. The dialogues are just perfect, worth remembering and worth narrating all over again. In regards of the movie review, with the crowd hooting and clapping often, one can say that this is a story that has connected across age groups and audience.
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