On August 6, 2016, The Minister of Urban Development M Venkaiah Naidu launched the Swachh Suvekshan-2017 to assess and rank 500 cities and towns based on levels of sanitation and efforts made by respective urban local bodies. The survey will be conducted by Quality Council of India (QCI) under the Swacch Bharat Abhiyan in a bid to encourage competition to improve sanitation and also to capture progress towards achieving ‘Open Defecation Free’ status.
The Swachh Survekshan 2017 will judge cities on the basis of data provided by Municipal bodies (900 Marks), Independent Observations (500 Marks), Citizen Feedback (500 Marks). Based on the overall score, the cities will be divided into 4 categories: Leaders (1400+), Aspiring Leaders (1200-1400), Acceleration Required (1000-1200) and Slow Movers (less than 1000).
Areas of Evaluation & Weightage:
Strategy for Open Defecation Free town (ODF) and Integrated Solid Waste Management (SWM) – 5%
Information, Education and Behavior Change Communication (IEBC) – 5%
Door to door Collection, Sweeping, Collection & Transportation – 40%
Processing and Disposal of Solid waste – 20%
Public & Community Toilet Provision – 15%
Individual Toilet – 15%
Swachh Survekshan 2016 had ranked 73 cities across the country, where Mysore was ranked on top followed by Chandigarh. Visakhapatnam has moved up to rank #5 from its relative rank of #44 in 2014 and is considered as the best performing city in south zone and best in Independent observation category.
The 2016 survey saw a participation of over 1 lakh citizens. So we should make sure the participation this year stays the same or even more and help our city (Vizag) retain its rank and hopefully move up the list. Fill up a feedback form on the Swachh Survekshan website or by giving a missed call on 1969 to record your response.
Give your feedback to help the government succeed at its mission to make India Open Defecation Free and Clean by 2nd October, 2019, through the Swachh Bharat Mission.
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