achutapuram SEZ

YS Jagan orders safety audit in all industries of AP in view of recent gas leak incident near VisakhapatnamYS Jagan orders safety audit in all industries of AP in view of recent gas leak incident near Visakhapatnam

YS Jagan orders safety audit in all industries of AP in view of recent gas leak incident near Visakhapatnam

In wake of the recent gas leak incident in Brandix Apparel near Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan…

3 years ago
Visakhapatnam SEZ, not everyone is keeping in line with pollution normsVisakhapatnam SEZ, not everyone is keeping in line with pollution norms

Visakhapatnam SEZ, not everyone is keeping in line with pollution norms

Not everyone in the Visakhapatnam Special Economic Zone is adhering to the pollution norms laid down and there are reports…

7 years ago