ACP Penta Rao

Mahila Police ACP shares tips for women safety in VisakhapatnamMahila Police ACP shares tips for women safety in Visakhapatnam

Mahila Police ACP shares tips for women safety in Visakhapatnam

According to National Crime Record Bureau reports of 2014, more than 3,37,922  incidents of crime were recorded against women. This…

5 months ago
Protecting the women of Visakhapatnam: In conversation with ACP Penta Rao of Mahila Police StationProtecting the women of Visakhapatnam: In conversation with ACP Penta Rao of Mahila Police Station

Protecting the women of Visakhapatnam: In conversation with ACP Penta Rao of Mahila Police Station

As Visakhapatnam, often called the "City of Destiny," rapidly strides toward urbanization, it grapples with a grim reality — gender-based…

6 months ago