
Trains cancelled in Puri-Bengaluru route to affect Visakhapatnam travellersTrains cancelled in Puri-Bengaluru route to affect Visakhapatnam travellers

Trains cancelled in Puri-Bengaluru route to affect Visakhapatnam travellers

The IRCTC has issued a list of trains that will be cancelled, partially cancelled and diverted from Visakhapatnam due to…

3 years ago
Distance of Vizag from major cities of IndiaDistance of Vizag from major cities of India

Distance of Vizag from major cities of India

Vizag, set to be the executive capital of Andhra Pradesh, is sought as a major part of the coastal economic…

4 years ago
Engineering student, hailing from Vizag, jumps to death in Bengaluru collegeEngineering student, hailing from Vizag, jumps to death in Bengaluru college

Engineering student, hailing from Vizag, jumps to death in Bengaluru college

A final year B.Tech student allegedly committed suicide by jumping to death on campus at the Amrita School of Engineering…

5 years ago
Couple in Andhra Pradesh seeks mercy killing permission for daughterCouple in Andhra Pradesh seeks mercy killing permission for daughter

Couple in Andhra Pradesh seeks mercy killing permission for daughter

A couple, from Chittoor District in Andhra Pradesh, has approached a family court seeking permission for the mercy killing of…

5 years ago
Pregnant woman pushed out of a moving train in Andhra PradeshPregnant woman pushed out of a moving train in Andhra Pradesh

Pregnant woman pushed out of a moving train in Andhra Pradesh

In what comes as yet another jolting reminder of human savagery, a pregnant woman was pushed out of a moving train…

6 years ago
Hyderabad and Pune ranked as the best cities to live in IndiaHyderabad and Pune ranked as the best cities to live in India

Hyderabad and Pune ranked as the best cities to live in India

As per Mercer's Quality of Living rankings 2018 released on Tuesday, Hyderabad has been ranked as the best city to live…

7 years ago
Visakhapatnam fares poorly in Annual Survey of India’s City System (ASICS)Visakhapatnam fares poorly in Annual Survey of India’s City System (ASICS)

Visakhapatnam fares poorly in Annual Survey of India’s City System (ASICS)

While Visakhapatnam is taking major strides in emerging as one of India's fastest growing cities, a recent survey has revealed…

7 years ago
India turns out to be the most forgetful country, according to Uber reportsIndia turns out to be the most forgetful country, according to Uber reports

India turns out to be the most forgetful country, according to Uber reports

"Uber Lost and Found Index", an annual survey by Uber has revealed that India tops the list of "most forgetful countries"…

7 years ago
Horror in Andhra Pradesh: Overspeeding bus hits lorry killing three peopleHorror in Andhra Pradesh: Overspeeding bus hits lorry killing three people

Horror in Andhra Pradesh: Overspeeding bus hits lorry killing three people

A horrific road accident has come to light in Andhra Pradesh. An overspeeding bus crashed into a lorry near Maddurupadu of…

7 years ago

Bollywood star Ranveer Singh partners with the Premier League in India

The Premier League has formed an official partnership with Indian film actor Ranveer Singh. The Bollywood star is a passionate…

7 years ago