
10 eco-friendly products that everyone should use in day-to-day life10 eco-friendly products that everyone should use in day-to-day life

10 eco-friendly products that everyone should use in day-to-day life

Plastic has become an integral part of our daily lives. Throughout the day, we rely on plastic for many things.…

5 years ago
Improper Disposal of Biomedical Waste in VizagImproper Disposal of Biomedical Waste in Vizag

Improper Disposal of Biomedical Waste in Vizag

Despite the municipal authorities’ measures to dispose biodegradable and non-biodegradable medical waste in an efficient manner, the biomedical waste generated…

8 years ago
Vizag To Be Beautified Before The Year EndVizag To Be Beautified Before The Year End

Vizag To Be Beautified Before The Year End

To enhance the beauty of Visakhapatnam, as well as to increase the Swachh Bharat ratings, the Greater Visakha Municipal Corporation…

8 years ago