Central Government Health Scheme

Assistive Device Registration for Senior Citizens With Disabilities Commences in VizagAssistive Device Registration for Senior Citizens With Disabilities Commences in Vizag

Assistive Device Registration for Senior Citizens With Disabilities Commences in Vizag

The ‘Vayoshri’ scheme kicked off its mission to empower eligible senior citizens, aged 60 and above with essential assistive devices,…

1 year ago
Center approves 1000 crore grant for Bulk Drug Park in Andhra PradeshCenter approves 1000 crore grant for Bulk Drug Park in Andhra Pradesh

Center approves 1000 crore grant for Bulk Drug Park in Andhra Pradesh

Under the ‘Promotion of Bulk Drug Parks’ scheme of the Ministry of Pharmaceuticals, the Central Government has given Andhra Pradesh…

3 years ago
Vizag’s CGHS Wellness Centre all set and ready to goVizag’s CGHS Wellness Centre all set and ready to go

Vizag’s CGHS Wellness Centre all set and ready to go

After being confronted with lots of challenges and successfully subjugating them, the impending notion of serving and retired Central government…

8 years ago