
The story of a handloom weaver from ChiralaThe story of a handloom weaver from Chirala

The story of a handloom weaver from Chirala

Chirala, a handloom cluster near Vijayawada, is home for many like Siddhi Buccheswara Rao, who shares his story. Buccheswara Rao…

5 years ago
60 New Tourism Projects To Come Up In Andhra Pradesh, Majority In Vizag60 New Tourism Projects To Come Up In Andhra Pradesh, Majority In Vizag

60 New Tourism Projects To Come Up In Andhra Pradesh, Majority In Vizag

The Andhra Pradesh government is all set to close 60 tourism deals worth Rs 2000 crore today. The mega and…

8 years ago
Double Decker Express Via VizagDouble Decker Express Via Vizag

Double Decker Express Via Vizag

As the year is about to end, it has given a gift to the passengers travelling from Visakhapatnam to Tirupati…

8 years ago