
First Sea View and now cigarette @17 rupees, what is happening?First Sea View and now cigarette @17 rupees, what is happening?

First Sea View and now cigarette @17 rupees, what is happening?

We were trying hard to cope up with the pain of saying good bye to Sea View and another disaster…

8 years ago
Is Tenneti Park the new meeting spot after Hotel Sea View!Is Tenneti Park the new meeting spot after Hotel Sea View!

Is Tenneti Park the new meeting spot after Hotel Sea View!

Let's try and not mourn over the fact that Hotel Sea View has been demolished and we can no longer…

8 years ago
Say No to TobaccoSay No to Tobacco

Say No to Tobacco

The use of tobacco generally starts as an adventure in a young peer group but soon turns into a habit,…

8 years ago