covid hospitals

List of 10 major hospitals at APIIC Health City in Hanumanthavaka, VizagList of 10 major hospitals at APIIC Health City in Hanumanthavaka, Vizag

List of 10 major hospitals at APIIC Health City in Hanumanthavaka, Vizag

Hanumanthavaka is an area in Vizag that houses a lot of premier hospitals in the city. Designated as Health City,…

4 years ago
Vizag to get a new super-speciality hospital exclusively for childrenVizag to get a new super-speciality hospital exclusively for children

Vizag to get a new super-speciality hospital exclusively for children

The Covid-19 pandemic's first wave that had a serious impact on the elderly in the beginning has now turned its…

4 years ago
41 hospitals denotified due to decline in Covid-19 cases in Vizag41 hospitals denotified due to decline in Covid-19 cases in Vizag

41 hospitals denotified due to decline in Covid-19 cases in Vizag

Gone are those days when the hospitals were flooded with Covid-19 patients and people had to suffer due to a…

4 years ago
Fines imposed on hospitals in Vizag for violating Covid-19 normsFines imposed on hospitals in Vizag for violating Covid-19 norms

Fines imposed on hospitals in Vizag for violating Covid-19 norms

Fines have been imposed on six hospitals in Vizag for non-compliance with government regulations, overcharging for Covid-19 treatment and violating…

4 years ago
RINL-VSP to build 1,000 bed Covid Care Hospital facilityRINL-VSP to build 1,000 bed Covid Care Hospital facility

RINL-VSP to build 1,000 bed Covid Care Hospital facility

Amid the surge, in the second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic, Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited, also known as Visakhapatnam Steel…

4 years ago
Shortage of oxygen and ventilator beds in hospitals across VisakhapatnamShortage of oxygen and ventilator beds in hospitals across Visakhapatnam

Shortage of oxygen and ventilator beds in hospitals across Visakhapatnam

As the number of Covid-19 cases rise higher in Visakhapatnam, an acute shortage of beds is being faced at most…

4 years ago
Updated list of Covid-19 hospitals in Visakhapatnam DistrictUpdated list of Covid-19 hospitals in Visakhapatnam District

Updated list of Covid-19 hospitals in Visakhapatnam District

The nation, and world at large, has been experiencing a drastic increase in the number of Covid-19 cases, and subsequent…

4 years ago