district immunisation officer

More than 80 percent of people above 45 years of age vaccinated in VizagMore than 80 percent of people above 45 years of age vaccinated in Vizag

More than 80 percent of people above 45 years of age vaccinated in Vizag

So far, around 14,40,245 people, in the 45+ years age group, have been vaccinated in Vizag. 82.7 percent of the…

4 years ago
Mother with children below 5 years to be vaccinated on priority in VizagMother with children below 5 years to be vaccinated on priority in Vizag

Mother with children below 5 years to be vaccinated on priority in Vizag

Taking up a quick move on vaccinating every individual in Vizag, a total of 1 lakh vaccine doses of both…

4 years ago