
ECoR to run Festive Special Trains from Visakhapatnam; Check routesECoR to run Festive Special Trains from Visakhapatnam; Check routes

ECoR to run Festive Special Trains from Visakhapatnam; Check routes

East Coast Railway (ECoR) decides to run special trains between Visakhapatnam and Vijayawada to ease the rush of passengers during…

5 months ago
All set for supply of free gas cylinders in APAll set for supply of free gas cylinders in AP

All set for supply of free gas cylinders in AP

All is set for the supply of LPG cylinders free of cost to all the eligible in Andhra Pradesh from…

5 months ago
List of holidays and long weekends in 2023List of holidays and long weekends in 2023

List of holidays and long weekends in 2023

Planning your holidays ahead? Here is a list of the public holidays and long weekends likely for the year 2023.…

2 years ago
Diwali celebrations amplify air pollution levels in VisakhapatnamDiwali celebrations amplify air pollution levels in Visakhapatnam

Diwali celebrations amplify air pollution levels in Visakhapatnam

On Monday, Visakhapatnam City witnessed a major spike in air pollution levels due to crackers' bursting. The officials of the…

2 years ago
From oil lamps to electricity, the story of lighting up VizagFrom oil lamps to electricity, the story of lighting up Vizag

From oil lamps to electricity, the story of lighting up Vizag

Imagine Vizag being a colonial town with the only light source being dim oil lamps. These were the scenes in…

2 years ago
Sweet shops in Vizag that are the best places to begin your Diwali festivitiesSweet shops in Vizag that are the best places to begin your Diwali festivities

Sweet shops in Vizag that are the best places to begin your Diwali festivities

The festivities of Diwali have begun in the City of Destiny with firecracker shops being set up at primary locations.…

2 years ago
Are increasing firecracker costs affecting the Diwali celebrations? Vizag vendors share their viewsAre increasing firecracker costs affecting the Diwali celebrations? Vizag vendors share their views

Are increasing firecracker costs affecting the Diwali celebrations? Vizag vendors share their views

The dynamic preparations for Diwali have given life to the AS Raja and Andhra University Grounds in Vizag. As stall…

2 years ago
Akshay Kumar’s Ram Setu locks release date for DiwaliAkshay Kumar’s Ram Setu locks release date for Diwali

Akshay Kumar’s Ram Setu locks release date for Diwali

Bollywood star Akshay Kumar blocked the release date for his upcoming big-budget movie, Ram Setu. Starring Jacqueline Fernandez, Tollywood sensation…

3 years ago
Vizag woman promotes eco-friendly Diwali with gobar diyasVizag woman promotes eco-friendly Diwali with gobar diyas

Vizag woman promotes eco-friendly Diwali with gobar diyas

Uma’s foray into the world of eco-friendly diyas and incense sticks stemmed from her visits to temples. Observing the amount…

3 years ago

5 things to keep in mind while celebrating Diwali this year in Vizag

Diwali is one of the biggest festivals both in India as well as globally. It is celebrated throughout the country…

3 years ago