
Air Passengers Growth In Andhra Pradesh, Even In VisakhapatnamAir Passengers Growth In Andhra Pradesh, Even In Visakhapatnam

Air Passengers Growth In Andhra Pradesh, Even In Visakhapatnam

The four airports in the state have seen a robust growth in their air passengers. Visakhapatnam Airport reaches an all-time…

8 years ago
More Than 2 Million Fliers Recorded at Visakhapatnam AirportMore Than 2 Million Fliers Recorded at Visakhapatnam Airport

More Than 2 Million Fliers Recorded at Visakhapatnam Airport

Visakhapatnam Airport has reached a major milestone by managing 2.1 million fliers which includes both domestic and international travellers during…

8 years ago
Battery Operated Cars & Self Check-in Kiosks Now At Vizag AirportBattery Operated Cars & Self Check-in Kiosks Now At Vizag Airport

Battery Operated Cars & Self Check-in Kiosks Now At Vizag Airport

A self-check in kiosk and a battery car have been inaugurated by the Airport Director, Vinod Sharma at the Visakhapatnam…

8 years ago
Improper Disposal of Biomedical Waste in VizagImproper Disposal of Biomedical Waste in Vizag

Improper Disposal of Biomedical Waste in Vizag

Despite the municipal authorities’ measures to dispose biodegradable and non-biodegradable medical waste in an efficient manner, the biomedical waste generated…

8 years ago
Women Power! Is it being misused?Women Power! Is it being misused?

Women Power! Is it being misused?

India always tops the charts for various reasons. Credit for recent entry goes to Indian wives who beat their husbands…

8 years ago
ISRO Launches SCATSAT-1 and Seven Other SatellitesISRO Launches SCATSAT-1 and Seven Other Satellites

ISRO Launches SCATSAT-1 and Seven Other Satellites

There’s no wonder in the fact that our scientists keep scripting history. Yet again, ISRO successfully launched eight satellites from…

8 years ago