Flying Spaghetti Monster

Eat the Mexican way at these places that serve scrumptious tacos in Vizag

Eat the Mexican way at these places that serve scrumptious tacos in Vizag

The traditional Mexican food, Tacos, has found its way to the city. Filled with the choicest and scrumptious veggies or…

2 years ago

Check out these restaurants in Vizag if you are a fan of Italian food

Vizagites have never backed off from experimenting with their choice of food. Welcoming cuisines from all around the world, Vizag…

3 years ago

9 desserts in Vizag that will cool down your sugar cravings

In a city known for its spicy and hot seafood and non-vegetarian food, it is difficult but not impossible to…

4 years ago

Pastafarians Rejoice!

Flying Spaghetti Monster/FSM will soon turn 6 years young, and is well on its way to turning into a chain…

8 years ago

Soups for the Soul

Clean, aromatic soup is just the right thing to have on cold winter evenings or even when you plain just…

8 years ago

Happy Pasta Day! – Pasta Places Around Town

With over 600 known varieties of its own is the world’s most favourite food, PASTA.  So all those who are…

8 years ago