food wastage

Tackling food wastage in Vizag, Robin Hood Army comes to the rescue

Tackling food wastage in Vizag, Robin Hood Army comes to the rescue

There is a gap between food being wasted and it is provided to hundreds going hungry. The Robin Hood Army…

6 years ago

Food wastage in Vizag: What do the citizens say?

Vizag plays host to numerous social gatherings. Be it to serve the guests with the choicest of foods or trumpet…

6 years ago

Vizag people opine on the wastage of food in the city

Is food wastage inevitable, or is there something we can do about it? People of Vizag opine. Our beautiful city…

6 years ago

The shattering case of food wastage in Vizag

Food wastage has been one of the major problems that have pestered our society for times immemorial. On the one…

7 years ago