
5 unique restaurants and cafes from Chennai we wish we had in Vizag5 unique restaurants and cafes from Chennai we wish we had in Vizag

5 unique restaurants and cafes from Chennai we wish we had in Vizag

Chennai is rich in history and culture, just like every other major city in India. Every locality you visit in…

2 years ago
Play for a cause at the Futsal Tournament by AIESEC VisakhapatnamPlay for a cause at the Futsal Tournament by AIESEC Visakhapatnam

Play for a cause at the Futsal Tournament by AIESEC Visakhapatnam

On Saturday, 25 June 2022, AIESEC in Visakhapatnam is organizing a 5v5 Futsal Tournament as a part of the Global…

3 years ago
First ever state level junior women’s football tournament kicks off in VizagFirst ever state level junior women’s football tournament kicks off in Vizag

First ever state level junior women’s football tournament kicks off in Vizag

On Friday, 27 May 2022, the first-ever state-level junior women's football tournament kicked off at the Port Stadium in Vizag.…

3 years ago
Vizag Football Club prepares to compete at Indian Women’s LeagueVizag Football Club prepares to compete at Indian Women’s League

Vizag Football Club prepares to compete at Indian Women’s League

Today, football is the second most followed sport in India. With the participation and citizens’ interest in football growing exponentially…

4 years ago
24 new football coaches trained in Visakhapatnam24 new football coaches trained in Visakhapatnam

24 new football coaches trained in Visakhapatnam

Great coaches make great players. This statement proves true for various fields in life, especially for sports like football. The…

4 years ago
8 childhood games that will leave you with Nostalgia8 childhood games that will leave you with Nostalgia

8 childhood games that will leave you with Nostalgia

A few decades ago, there were a plenty of children games to choose from. The kids back then, always kept…

7 years ago
Super “Summer” Syllabus! – Summer Activities For Kids In VizagSuper “Summer” Syllabus! – Summer Activities For Kids In Vizag

Super “Summer” Syllabus! – Summer Activities For Kids In Vizag

There is a lot children can learn during their summer holidays. Here are some summer activities that might interest your…

8 years ago
Local MLAs Lose Vizag’s Sports Hostel To VizianagaramLocal MLAs Lose Vizag’s Sports Hostel To Vizianagaram

Local MLAs Lose Vizag’s Sports Hostel To Vizianagaram

The Visakhapatnam district has lost the regional sports hostel to Vizianagaram. The sports hostel that was previously proposed to be…

8 years ago
Plane carrying Brazilian football team CRASHEDPlane carrying Brazilian football team CRASHED

Plane carrying Brazilian football team CRASHED

Officials confirmed that a plane carrying 72 passengers, including a Brazilian football team and sports reporters, has crashed while travelling…

8 years ago