
Girl squad goals: 6 types of girls in every girl gangGirl squad goals: 6 types of girls in every girl gang

Girl squad goals: 6 types of girls in every girl gang

Be if the Powerpuff girls or the Ghostbusters, girl gangs are pretty special. Be it sharing the weirdest gossips, going…

7 years ago
7 reasons that prove why girl bike-riders are super cool7 reasons that prove why girl bike-riders are super cool

7 reasons that prove why girl bike-riders are super cool

Let an electric car glide past us, let electricity be generated from waste, or even let a pig fly, but…

7 years ago
5 common things that every Indian girl will relate to5 common things that every Indian girl will relate to

5 common things that every Indian girl will relate to

Girls! No matter what you do, you are always questioned and judged, simply because you are young and "young girls…

7 years ago
Atleast One Woman or Girl Goes Missing Per Day in VisakhapatnamAtleast One Woman or Girl Goes Missing Per Day in Visakhapatnam

Atleast One Woman or Girl Goes Missing Per Day in Visakhapatnam

Vizag paints a grim picture when it comes to crimes against women. While women safety is a major and ongoing…

8 years ago
Women Power! Is it being misused?Women Power! Is it being misused?

Women Power! Is it being misused?

India always tops the charts for various reasons. Credit for recent entry goes to Indian wives who beat their husbands…

8 years ago
Let’s Discuss Mental Health!Let’s Discuss Mental Health!

Let’s Discuss Mental Health!

Nearly 60 million people in India suffer from mental illness. It’s time we do something about raising awareness on mental…

8 years ago
Consent Matters!Consent Matters!

Consent Matters!

NO means NO. Yes! You heard that right. There is no way of expanding or explaining it. Sr. Bachchan nailed…

8 years ago


After a long day at work, I boarded a cab to home. A couple of traffic signals later, our cab…

8 years ago
Trash The Myth Of Celebrity FlawlessnessTrash The Myth Of Celebrity Flawlessness

Trash The Myth Of Celebrity Flawlessness

To all the girls leaning into their bedroom mirror and worried about looking as beautiful as the wax statues! Looking…

8 years ago