katiki waterfalls

6 nearest tourist attractions under 5 hours from Vizag for your next holiday6 nearest tourist attractions under 5 hours from Vizag for your next holiday

6 nearest tourist attractions under 5 hours from Vizag for your next holiday

As everyone knows, there is much to do in Vizag. With various spots within the city offering a host of…

2 years ago
9 Picturesque waterfalls near Vizag to have a cool-down9 Picturesque waterfalls near Vizag to have a cool-down

9 Picturesque waterfalls near Vizag to have a cool-down

Vizag is bestowed upon with a natural landscape. Located between the Eastern Ghats and the Bay of Bengal, Visakhapatnam is…

4 years ago
Travel hotspots for an exciting dip and trip in waterfall at 3 places to be developedTravel hotspots for an exciting dip and trip in waterfall at 3 places to be developed

Travel hotspots for an exciting dip and trip in waterfall at 3 places to be developed

There is no rest so far as tourism and travel getaways and hotspots are concerned. Tourism authorities have turned towards…

7 years ago