medical facilities

Expectations and city issues that need to be addressed in VisakhapatnamExpectations and city issues that need to be addressed in Visakhapatnam

Expectations and city issues that need to be addressed in Visakhapatnam

As a new government takes charge of the State for the next five years, we talk to citizens about their…

6 years ago
JP Morgan eyes the takeover of Seven Hills Healthcare hospital.JP Morgan eyes the takeover of Seven Hills Healthcare hospital.

JP Morgan eyes the takeover of Seven Hills Healthcare hospital.

Seven Hills Healthcare founded in 1982 is reeling under a debt burden of $185 million. The hospital has branches in…

8 years ago
A Spiritual Look Into The Ramakrishna Mission Ashram in VisakhapatnamA Spiritual Look Into The Ramakrishna Mission Ashram in Visakhapatnam

A Spiritual Look Into The Ramakrishna Mission Ashram in Visakhapatnam

At just a stone’s throw away from the hustle, crowd and noise of Vizag’s most popular destination, The RK Beach…

8 years ago
Medical Tourism Next on the Agenda For the GovernmentMedical Tourism Next on the Agenda For the Government

Medical Tourism Next on the Agenda For the Government

In order to develop medical facilities in remote/agency areas, the government is all set for a change. There are momentous talks…

8 years ago