
Agitating contract nurses take out rally in VizagAgitating contract nurses take out rally in Vizag

Agitating contract nurses take out rally in Vizag

Contract nurses in Visakhapatnam took out a rally on 13 September demanding regularisation of their services. Contract nurses in large…

6 months ago
Vizag raises united voice for murdered journalist, Gauri LankeshVizag raises united voice for murdered journalist, Gauri Lankesh

Vizag raises united voice for murdered journalist, Gauri Lankesh

Journalists’ associations and people’s organisations staged a rally to protest the brutal murder of Gauri Lankesh. The rally which took…

8 years ago
Bharat Bandh against DemonetisationBharat Bandh against Demonetisation

Bharat Bandh against Demonetisation

As the currency change took over the Indian continent, different reactions have been received from different parts of the country.…

8 years ago