rani of wadhwan

Kumari Lakshmi Narasayamma: Rani of Kurupam and daughter of Vizag Maharajah

Kumari Lakshmi Narasayamma: Rani of Kurupam and daughter of Vizag Maharajah

For every Vizag dweller, the name Kurupam strikes a chord owing to the abandoned monument on the Pedda Waltair road,…

1 year ago

Rajkumari Seetiumma: Rani of Wadhwan and daughter of Vizag Maharajah

The history of Vizag definitely feels unfinished without a mention of the royals, who poured in their wealth and efforts…

1 year ago

Portraits of the benevolent Maharajah and Ranis of Vizag

While words have the ability to trigger a human's imagination, giving him a deep insight and an imaginative picture of…

2 years ago