RTA office

No more hassles to get driving licenceNo more hassles to get driving licence

No more hassles to get driving licence

No more hassles of doing rounds to the Regional Transport Authority (RTA) office to get a driving licence. The government…

10 months ago
Alarming Rise In Road AccidentsAlarming Rise In Road Accidents

Alarming Rise In Road Accidents

According to the information given out by the Road Transport Authority (RTA), Srikakulam and Vizianagaram districts have shown a considerable…

8 years ago
RTA Offices and Check-Posts Introduce POS MachinesRTA Offices and Check-Posts Introduce POS Machines

RTA Offices and Check-Posts Introduce POS Machines

The AP government is launching cashless transactions from today. The RTA (Regional Transport Authority) is introducing POS (point-of-sale) machines for…

8 years ago