RTC offers special packages for Ayyappa devoteesRTC offers special packages for Ayyappa devotees

RTC offers special packages for Ayyappa devotees

The Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation (APSRTC) has offered special packages for the smooth journey of the Ayyappa devotees…

4 months ago
APSRTC lays off over 6000 contract staff, CITU demands repealAPSRTC lays off over 6000 contract staff, CITU demands repeal

APSRTC lays off over 6000 contract staff, CITU demands repeal

The Andhra Pradesh State Transport Corporation (APSRTC) has laid off 6,257 members of its outsourced contract staff and denied their…

5 years ago
Vizag RTC drivers advised to achieve zero accident rateVizag RTC drivers advised to achieve zero accident rate

Vizag RTC drivers advised to achieve zero accident rate

Vizag Collector Pravin Kumar IAS has summoned a meeting with the APSRTC drivers on Tuesday to achieve zero accident record…

7 years ago
Rise in diesel prices troubles APSRTCRise in diesel prices troubles APSRTC

Rise in diesel prices troubles APSRTC

The hike in diesel price is showing effects on the Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation (APSRTC) revenues. The APSRTC…

7 years ago
People’s point of view about the RTC bus facility in VisakhapatnamPeople’s point of view about the RTC bus facility in Visakhapatnam

People’s point of view about the RTC bus facility in Visakhapatnam

In a recent survey, Visakhapatnam has been found to be the most populated city in Andhra Pradesh. With the number…

7 years ago
City buses continue to pollute the air in VisakhapatnamCity buses continue to pollute the air in Visakhapatnam

City buses continue to pollute the air in Visakhapatnam

Unlike the good old days when Visakhapatnam was considered to be a relatively less polluted city, vehicles and industries releasing…

7 years ago
Public Opinion Asked For Finalising The Design of NAD FlyoverPublic Opinion Asked For Finalising The Design of NAD Flyover

Public Opinion Asked For Finalising The Design of NAD Flyover

The design for the flyover that is to be built at the NAD Kotha Road is yet to be finalised.…

8 years ago