school bus

Vizag’s lad develops an application to track the whereabouts of school busVizag’s lad develops an application to track the whereabouts of school bus

Vizag’s lad develops an application to track the whereabouts of school bus

Safety of children is always the first concern of every parent. From the time the children leave to school until…

7 years ago
2 year old dies after being hit by a school bus 60 kms from Visakhapatnam2 year old dies after being hit by a school bus 60 kms from Visakhapatnam

2 year old dies after being hit by a school bus 60 kms from Visakhapatnam

Unfortunate news of a 2 year old who was hit by a school bus, just 60 kms away from Visakhapatnam.…

7 years ago
40% School Buses Declared Unfit In Visakhapatnam40% School Buses Declared Unfit In Visakhapatnam

40% School Buses Declared Unfit In Visakhapatnam

The schools have finally reopened after a long summer vacation and only 60% of school buses in the city have…

8 years ago
RTA To Put Stringent Norms For School BusesRTA To Put Stringent Norms For School Buses

RTA To Put Stringent Norms For School Buses

We have seen and heard numerous school bus accident cases where safety was the principle reason behind it. With adrenaline…

8 years ago
GPS and CCTV Cameras To Be Mandatory In School BusesGPS and CCTV Cameras To Be Mandatory In School Buses

GPS and CCTV Cameras To Be Mandatory In School Buses

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has issued a notice to install CCTV cameras, speed governors and GPS in…

8 years ago