special trains from visakhapatnam

SCR to run 26 more special trainsSCR to run 26 more special trains

SCR to run 26 more special trains

The South Central Railway has announced 26 more special trains in view of the Sankranti rush. The Sankranti special services…

2 months ago
ECoR to run Festive Special Trains from Visakhapatnam; Check routesECoR to run Festive Special Trains from Visakhapatnam; Check routes

ECoR to run Festive Special Trains from Visakhapatnam; Check routes

East Coast Railway (ECoR) decides to run special trains between Visakhapatnam and Vijayawada to ease the rush of passengers during…

5 months ago
Special trains to run between Visakhapatnam and Araku to clear festive rushSpecial trains to run between Visakhapatnam and Araku to clear festive rush

Special trains to run between Visakhapatnam and Araku to clear festive rush

Keeping in mind the demand and to provide a comfortable journey to the tourists during Puja Holidays, East Coast Railway…

2 years ago
Weekly special trains from Visakhapatnam and Secunderabad to clear Dasara rushWeekly special trains from Visakhapatnam and Secunderabad to clear Dasara rush

Weekly special trains from Visakhapatnam and Secunderabad to clear Dasara rush

The East Coast Railways (ECoR) announced two weekly special trains from Visakhapatnam to Secunderabad and Mahabubnagar. Senior Divisional Commercial Manager…

2 years ago
3 special passenger trains to be introduced from 15 July from Visakhapatnam3 special passenger trains to be introduced from 15 July from Visakhapatnam

3 special passenger trains to be introduced from 15 July from Visakhapatnam

The Waltair Division Senior Divisional Manager AK Tripathi informed that three new special passenger trains will come into service with…

3 years ago