suicide awareness

The recent rise in cases of suicide in Visakhapatnam: Should we be concerned?The recent rise in cases of suicide in Visakhapatnam: Should we be concerned?

The recent rise in cases of suicide in Visakhapatnam: Should we be concerned?

If you have been following the recent news then you must have noticed the silent rise in cases of suicide…

4 weeks ago
Daughter sustains critical injuries while mother dies in a suicide in VisakhapatnamDaughter sustains critical injuries while mother dies in a suicide in Visakhapatnam

Daughter sustains critical injuries while mother dies in a suicide in Visakhapatnam

On Sunday, 11 June 2023, a mother and daughter attempted suicide by jumping off a building's top in Visakhapatnam. While…

2 years ago
Visakhapatnam: 30YO woman commits suicide by setting herself on fire at MVP PSVisakhapatnam: 30YO woman commits suicide by setting herself on fire at MVP PS

Visakhapatnam: 30YO woman commits suicide by setting herself on fire at MVP PS

On Thursday, 20 October 2022, a shocking incident occurred at the MVP Police Station in Visakhapatnam, where a 30-year-old woman…

2 years ago
17YO girl and 20YO boy commit suicide over fear of families in Srikakulam17YO girl and 20YO boy commit suicide over fear of families in Srikakulam

17YO girl and 20YO boy commit suicide over fear of families in Srikakulam

On Tuesday, 18 October 2022, a couple committed suicide by hanging themselves in a hotel in the Srikakulam District. This…

2 years ago
Multiple youth suicide cases recoded in Visakhapatnam DistrictMultiple youth suicide cases recoded in Visakhapatnam District

Multiple youth suicide cases recoded in Visakhapatnam District

The Visakhapatnam District has recorded two suicide cases of youth on Tuesday, 7 June 2022. A total of 2 minors…

3 years ago
Depression & Suicidal Tendencies – by Srishti VyakaranamDepression & Suicidal Tendencies – by Srishti Vyakaranam

Depression & Suicidal Tendencies – by Srishti Vyakaranam

I’m no longer vital. Everyone will be fine even when I am not around. A person with such thoughts does…

8 years ago
#SuicideAwareness Trends on Social Media#SuicideAwareness Trends on Social Media

#SuicideAwareness Trends on Social Media

With a nation holding 17.5% of world’s population, India has the highest suicide rate among youth, aged between 15 and…

8 years ago
World Suicide Prevention DayWorld Suicide Prevention Day

World Suicide Prevention Day

Suicide is a very common incident nowadays. Every now and then we hear that a person has committed suicide in…

9 years ago