
Swachh Survekshan 2023: Visakhapatnam named fourth cleanest citySwachh Survekshan 2023: Visakhapatnam named fourth cleanest city

Swachh Survekshan 2023: Visakhapatnam named fourth cleanest city

Visakhapatnam, the city of destiny, has been adjudged the fourth cleanest city in the country in the 10-lakh population category…

1 year ago
Visakhapatnam fares poorly in Annual Survey of India’s City System (ASICS)Visakhapatnam fares poorly in Annual Survey of India’s City System (ASICS)

Visakhapatnam fares poorly in Annual Survey of India’s City System (ASICS)

While Visakhapatnam is taking major strides in emerging as one of India's fastest growing cities, a recent survey has revealed…

7 years ago