Telugu Culture

Etikoppaka toys from Andhra Pradesh steal the show at R-day celebrations!Etikoppaka toys from Andhra Pradesh steal the show at R-day celebrations!

Etikoppaka toys from Andhra Pradesh steal the show at R-day celebrations!

Andhra Pradesh garnered special attraction in the 76th Republic Day celebrations parade in New Delhi on 26 January with a…

2 months ago
Museum of our heritage, the inspiring Telugu Saamskritika NikethanamMuseum of our heritage, the inspiring Telugu Saamskritika Nikethanam

Museum of our heritage, the inspiring Telugu Saamskritika Nikethanam

Every language has its own history, but very few have had a cultural heritage as rich as the Telugu dialect.…

7 years ago
Its a great loss to the Film Fraternity! Dasari Narayana Rao DeadIts a great loss to the Film Fraternity! Dasari Narayana Rao Dead

Its a great loss to the Film Fraternity! Dasari Narayana Rao Dead

Dasari Narayana Rao was born in Palakollu and is a well know Film Director, Film Producer, Dialogue writer & Lyricist.…

8 years ago