vehicle registration

51 cases booked on vehicles with fancy number plates in Visakhapatnam51 cases booked on vehicles with fancy number plates in Visakhapatnam

51 cases booked on vehicles with fancy number plates in Visakhapatnam

Road Transport Office (RTO) officials in Visakhapatnam have been coming down hard on vehicles with fancy number plates. They have…

4 years ago
RTA Warns Dealers Still Selling BS-III VehiclesRTA Warns Dealers Still Selling BS-III Vehicles

RTA Warns Dealers Still Selling BS-III Vehicles

The Road Transport Authority (RTA) has issued cautionary notices to dealers selling BS III vehicles despite the ban imposed on…

8 years ago
Parking Space Availability Mandatory For Registration Of Vehicles SoonParking Space Availability Mandatory For Registration Of Vehicles Soon

Parking Space Availability Mandatory For Registration Of Vehicles Soon

Congested roads are a common sight in major cities now, not being able to pass traffic signals until atleast the…

8 years ago