
Japanese Bodhi Delegates Speak Out Against Film Nagar At Thotlakonda

Japanese Bodhi Delegates Speak Out Against Film Nagar At Thotlakonda

President of Japan-India Bodhi Society Shinsho Furukawa and Dr. Hiroshi Morishita were here in the city to give a lecture…

8 years ago

Conference on E-Governance To Be Held In The City

While the city is gearing up to host another CII Partnership Summit in January next year, it is also looking…

8 years ago

Rana Uppalapati Reaches Yet another Milestone

Rana Uppalapati, the skating star of Vizag reaches yet another milestone. He skated from the border of Odisha to Vizag…

8 years ago

Indian Cricket Team In The City!

The Indian cricket team is finally here! The England and Indian cricket teams arrived here yesterday for the second test.…

8 years ago

How It Is With Substance Abuse

As a young senior resident doctor, herself, Sheila (name changed) ‘knew’ what she was doing. She had it all under…

8 years ago

Silk Mark Expo To Hold ‘Vizag Srimathi Silk’ In The City

Gear up ladies of Vizag, the second edition of the ‘Vizag Srimathi Silk’ is almost here. If authentic weaves and…

8 years ago

Liquor At The Beach Shacks?

The government of Andhra Pradesh has been focused on tourism for a while now, looking forward to making Visakhapatnam a…

8 years ago

Nostalgia Alert – Dolls n Chic

Remember the time when the first name that popped into your mind at the mention of trendy western wear or…

8 years ago

Nehru Bazaar or a Shopping Complex?

The grapevine has it that Nehru Bazaar may soon be demolished and give way to a shopping complex. With 200…

8 years ago

The Graphic Revivalist

An electrical engineer, economist, creator of The Strategic Innovation Cube that was published in Forbes, host of the talk show…

8 years ago