vizag ngo

Bhagavatula Charitable Trust: Supporting the rural entrepreneurs of VizagBhagavatula Charitable Trust: Supporting the rural entrepreneurs of Vizag

Bhagavatula Charitable Trust: Supporting the rural entrepreneurs of Vizag

When Ramanamma’s husband suffered a paralytic attack in 2016, she had to take on the complete responsibility of taking care…

4 years ago
Speaking Chalk’s unique initiative of equipping the underpriviliged school kids with EnglishSpeaking Chalk’s unique initiative of equipping the underpriviliged school kids with English

Speaking Chalk’s unique initiative of equipping the underpriviliged school kids with English

Equipping the underprivileged children with English-speaking skills is the unique initiative of the Speaking Chalk. William Raspberry once said, “Good English,…

7 years ago