waltair division railways

Visakhapatnam-Kirandul-Visakhapatnam Trains Cancelled, Diverted; Details For PassengersVisakhapatnam-Kirandul-Visakhapatnam Trains Cancelled, Diverted; Details For Passengers

Visakhapatnam-Kirandul-Visakhapatnam Trains Cancelled, Diverted; Details For Passengers

Due to a failure of Over Head Equipment (OHE) in the Chimidipalli-Borraguhalu section of the Kottavalasa-Kirandul line, express trains traveling…

1 year ago
Temporary stop on Visakhapatnam-Kirandul trains this weekTemporary stop on Visakhapatnam-Kirandul trains this week

Temporary stop on Visakhapatnam-Kirandul trains this week

Given upcoming safety-related works for the insertion of Limited Height Subways in the Dantewara-Kamlur section of the KK line in…

1 year ago
Cyclone Yaas: 10 more special trains passing through Vizag cancelledCyclone Yaas: 10 more special trains passing through Vizag cancelled

Cyclone Yaas: 10 more special trains passing through Vizag cancelled

Cyclone Yaas has been declared as a VSCS (very severe), with a wind speed between 165 kmph – 185 kmph.…

4 years ago
ECoR extends cancellation of special trains on the Visakhapatnam routeECoR extends cancellation of special trains on the Visakhapatnam route

ECoR extends cancellation of special trains on the Visakhapatnam route

With the lockdowns being extended in the states of Andhra Pradesh and Odisha, Railways have no option to follow suit.…

4 years ago
Special trains cancelled on the Visakhapatnam route by RailwaysSpecial trains cancelled on the Visakhapatnam route by Railways

Special trains cancelled on the Visakhapatnam route by Railways

With the lockdowns being extended in various states, the Railways have no option but to follow suit. Due to poor…

4 years ago
Indian Railways Trivandrum – Malda train to halt at VisakhapatnamIndian Railways Trivandrum – Malda train to halt at Visakhapatnam

Indian Railways Trivandrum – Malda train to halt at Visakhapatnam

The Waltair Division of the ECoR has cancelled the following trains on the route of Visakhapatnam, Bangalore, Guwahati, Yeshwantpur for…

4 years ago
See list of special trains cancelled on the Visakhapatnam routeSee list of special trains cancelled on the Visakhapatnam route

See list of special trains cancelled on the Visakhapatnam route

The second wave has ripped the country apart and 3/4th of the country has gone into partial or complete lockdown.…

4 years ago
Waltair Division of ECoR schedules train to help mango tradeWaltair Division of ECoR schedules train to help mango trade

Waltair Division of ECoR schedules train to help mango trade

As the summer months are upon us, the season of mangoes has also arrived. Having said that, to make the…

4 years ago
Visakhapatnam – Railways beef up security on trains with GPS trackerVisakhapatnam – Railways beef up security on trains with GPS tracker

Visakhapatnam – Railways beef up security on trains with GPS tracker

At Visakhapatnam, Indian Railways takes a step forward with GPS tracking devices for patrolling teams to step up security on…

7 years ago

Visakhapatnam Railway Station has a rare art gallery treat for passengers

Visakhapatnam Railway Station surely knows how to enrich the experience of passengers on their journey and there has been no…

7 years ago