World Suicide Prevention Day

World Suicide Prevention Day: Vizag doctor throws light on importance of awarenessWorld Suicide Prevention Day: Vizag doctor throws light on importance of awareness

World Suicide Prevention Day: Vizag doctor throws light on importance of awareness

World Suicide Prevention Day was created in 2003 by the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP) and in conjunction with…

3 years ago
Five tragic deaths echo steady rise of suicides in VizagFive tragic deaths echo steady rise of suicides in Vizag

Five tragic deaths echo steady rise of suicides in Vizag

World Suicide Prevention Day is observed on 10 September each year. This day is organised by the International Association for…

5 years ago
Two tragic deaths echo steady rise of suicides in VisakhapatnamTwo tragic deaths echo steady rise of suicides in Visakhapatnam

Two tragic deaths echo steady rise of suicides in Visakhapatnam

In Visakhapatnam, a place known for its peace and serenity, two suicides were reported within three days. Reportedly, a 35-year-old…

6 years ago